Humanities 30th Anniversary
香港浸會大學人文學課程在1990年設立,後來,其中的寫作專修科發展為創意及專業寫作課程,2012年人文及創作系正式成立。人文及創作系30週年慶祝活動,由本系活動籌委會及舊生會籌辦 。
The Humanities Programme was set up in 1990. Joining with Creative and Professional Writing in 2012, the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing (HMW) was officially established. The celebration event for HMW’s 30th anniversary was held by the HMW event committee & alumni association (HUMAA). The committee invited 30 groups of people intimately connected with HMW to tell their stories.
2020年,是Humanities Programme的30週年,因為疫情而押後至今年的30+2才慶祝。從 Humanities 以至 人文及創作系,什麼是人?什麼是文?什麼是人文?30 年了,我們為此邀請了30組與HMW淵源深厚的人物,以他們多姿多元的生命,告訴我們何謂人文。
2020 was the 30th anniversary of the Humanities Programme but our celebrations were postponed due to COVID-19. This year, to celebrate the 30+2 anniversary and to let more people discover the spirit of humanities, we invited 30 groups of people who are intimately connected with HMW to tell their stories, and so show us what it means to be Human and what Humanities means to them.
沒有讀過HMW的你,是不是覺得「人文學科」就是「乞食科」?覺得HMW人「好型」?覺得HMW「唔知讀咩」 ? 還是覺得上 HMW堂才覺得在讀大學?……
If you’ve never studied HMW before, perhaps you assume Humanities graduates cannot make much money or compete with other professionals in the marketplace? Or perhaps people from humanities look cool to you, innovators and creators? Or perhaps you are quietly asking yourself, “What are the Humanities?”
HMW students can proudly admit every impression and say, “I’m a HMW student!”